Last chance to claim deductions under temporary full expensing


Deductions under ‘temporary full expensing’ are only available in the 2021, 2022 and 2023 income years, and are expected to come to an end on 30 June 2023.

Deductions under ‘temporary full expensing’ are only available in the 2021, 2022 and 2023 income years, and are expected to come to an end on 30 June 2023.  

Editor: Under temporary full expensing, businesses with an aggregated turnover of less than $5 billion can generally claim a deduction for the full cost of eligible new assets first held, used or installed ready for use between 6 October 2020 and 30 June 2023, as well as (in some circumstances) costs of improvements to those assets and also the cost of eligible second-hand assets.

Taxpayers can choose to opt out of temporary full expensing for an income year for some or all of their assets, and claim a deduction using other depreciation rules, by notifying the ATO in their tax return that they have chosen not to apply temporary full expensing to those assets.

Editor: Please contact our office if you require any assistance in relation to temporary full expensing.

Residential investment property loan data-matching program

The ATO has advised that it will acquire residential investment property loan data from authorised financial institutions for the 2021/22 through to 2025/26 financial years, including:

  • client identification details (names, addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, etc);
  • account details (account numbers, BSBs, balances, commencement and end dates, etc);
  • transaction details (transaction date, transaction amount, etc); and
  • property details (addresses, etc).

The ATO estimates that records relating to approximately 1.7 million individuals will be obtained each financial year.

The principal uses of the data include “education and online services” and “data analytics and insights”, as well as to help the ATO “identify relevant cases for administrative action, including compliance activities”.

The ATO has a dedicated webpage dealing with its data-matching protocols (currently 24 in total). It states on this webpage that: “Matching external data with our own helps us to ensure that people and businesses comply with their tax and super obligations.  It also helps us to detect fraud against the Commonwealth.”
